Liquids Around Your Home Which Can be Used for Pest Control


It is true that the likelihood of getting bitten increases significantly when flying insects, such as spiders, ants, or biting insects, enter our home. It’s also true—and understandably so—that not everyone feels safe using RAID or HotShot around their house.

Drawing near to the animal while holding a rolled-up newspaper makes you more vulnerable to harm. When in danger, the pest can sense it and will usually launch an attack. Thus, how can you help?

Rubbing Alcohol to the Rescue

We don’t mean to imply that you should just give up on the pest problem and open a beer when we bring up alcohol. We refer to use rubbing alcohol here. A spray bottle filled with a 90% rubbing alcohol and 10% water mixture works well for eliminating small pests like bugs and spiders. Add a small amount of lavender soap. In the future, you can use this to help identify the liquid’s hue and avoid mistakenly spraying it on plants or other surfaces. It also aids in destroying the pest’s exoskeleton protection system. A pest control company in Melbourne FL stated “You would be surprised what a diligent person with a spray bottle full of alcohol can do as far as keeps pests at bay in their home.”

As long as the area is away from children and pets, we advise using the strongest solution if you ever want to spray wasp nests outside your house. Spray nests during the night when the wasps are all settled into their nests and sleeping.

Alcohol for Yellow Jackets

It is advised that you contact a reputable pest control company like ours if you find a yellow jacket nest close to your house. Should you choose not to contact a professional, there is some anecdotal information that suggests you can kill them by leaving a dish of water mixed with rubbing alcohol next to the entrance of the nest at night.

Alcohol for the Treatment of Plants

To provide a protective layer for plants, you can mix one part rubbing alcohol with seven parts water in reverse.  Alcohol dissolves the protective wax on some insects and dries out the sensitive parts of other insects, killing them. Furthermore, alcohol spray tends to draw flying insects out of hiding, which makes controlling them easier. Make careful to cover all surfaces, including the stems and both surfaces of the leaves, especially the leaf axils where a lot of pests like to hide, by generously spraying the mixture until it is saturated. Before applying to all the plants, it is a good idea to test on one or two of them.

Notes: Despite the fact that some pests can be killed or repelled naturally, frequent treatment from a pest control professional is always recommended, especially in Florida. One of the highest pest populations in the US is found in our state. Florida provides all the necessary elements—sun, water, and food—for any emerging pest species. Treat your flat or house right now.


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