What You Need to Know before Becoming a TikTok Shop Creator

What You Need to Know before Becoming a TikTok Shop Creator

Different Types of Creators
Open the TikTok app and you will likely see a creator video. But have you ever wondered why some creators are able to put in product links in their videos or add a product showcase to their LIVE? Read on to find out how a TikTok Shop creator differs from other types of creators on TikTok.
TikTok Creator
Post a video or do a livestream to take your first step as a TikTok creator. Creators share videos without a product sales agenda.
Official Creator and Marketing Creator
These creators may be people who are part of the marketing or sales team. These creators represent the brand on TikTok and have varying extents of integrated access to the brand’s TikTok Shop operations. Find out more about creator binds.
TikTok Shop Creator
When you create content or promote products in a video, you are taking the first step towards monetizing your content as an affiliate creator. Convert your account to become a TikTok Shop Creator to quickly collaborate with sellers and earn commissions from orders you generate:
TikTok Shop Creator Perks
As a TikTok Shop creator, you have exclusive access to:
  • Shoppable Video Hub: Best practices, AI tools and templates, and insights to make creating engaging videos a breeze.
  • Affiliate creator programs: Browse the Creator Product Marketplace, curate your catalog in Product Showcase, and join campaigns. Receive increased traffic as you promote high quality products.
  • Monetize your content: Team up with your favourite brands and earn commissions for orders made through your TikTok Shop product promotions.
Find out more about collaborations and commissions.
TikTok Shop Creator Eligibility
All TikTok creators are eligible to enroll as a TikTok Shop creator when you meet all the of the following criteria:
  • Be at least 18 years old;
  • Have a minimum of 5,000 followers*;

*TikTok Shop is piloting a program for a select group of creators, temporarily lowering the follower requirement from 5,000 to 1,000. These creators will be automatically presented with the sign-up page and can self-enroll. If you have 1,000 followers but are not redirected to the sign-up page, you are not part of the pilot program.

  • Must not be a Government, Politician, or Political Party Account (GPPPA) as defined here;
  • Comply with ourTikTok Shop Content Policy and TikTok Community Guidelines, and all other TikTok Shop policies;
  • Have no prior record of having e-commerce permissions revoked by TikTok Shop; and
  • Must not share the same or similar login information with TikTok Shop accounts with high violations.
You may be asked to submit your personal identity information and provide identification documents to verify your eligibility. These include:
  • Your full name
  • Date of birth
  • Last 4 digits of social security number
  • A valid government-issued identity document, such as:
    • United States driver license
    • United States ID
    • Green card
    • United States Passport
Product links may be hidden from your viewers until you successfully verify your identity. It may take a few minutes to verify your identity. If your identity verification is successful, you will be able to use TikTok Shop to promote and sell products.


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